From the seller: “Early HA Viva restoration project. Last on the road 2009. Bought with every intention of doing the work but due to changes of circumstance it is now for re-sale.
Complete car, starts and drives. Engine runs lovely. Excellent original seats and has had a new replacement carpet.
Car needs welding to front floor pans, sills, spare wheel well & under fuel tank. Bulk head, off side front wing, front screen corner, and some intricate repairs above rear screen.
Comes with a selection of new spares, master cylinder, brake hoses, rear shoes & cylinders, points, oil filters & water pump. Several second hand spares including screens, cylinder head, distributor, carbs, radiator. Good tyres plus 2 good spares. There is also a new O/S sill & small section of sill, which would do to repair bottom rear of O/S/F wing.”
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