Here’s a little something we came across while doing a garage clearance that may be of interest to Ford owners.
If you own a Ford Anglia, Ford Prefect (we’ve got one!), Ford Escort or Ford Squire from 1953 era, we’ve made this Schedule Of Maximum Charges available here as a pdf for you to keep. Just click here to download it.
This would have just got thrown into a box or stuck up for sale on eBay and never seen again. At least, this way, it might be of use to someone.
We’ve even created a little video of it to show on YouTube.
If you did find this brochure handy and/or interesting, it would help us immensely if you could comment on YouTube itself. Maybe you spotted something that made you smile, or just couldn’t believe that you used to be able to have an entire front suspension unit replaced for £1! Please let the world know.
We want to share more items like this but, with a small team, time is precious and your feedback genuinely does let us know what to concentrate on. Thank you.